Comprehensive Study Comparing Offline and Online Togel Gambling

Share This Post, a leading online poker, casino and sportsbook gambling destination, has just completed the first comprehensive study of online gambling, and its affect on gambling at traditional offline casinos in locations such as Las Vegas and Atlantic City., which has an over 100,000 gambler customer database, conducted this study as part of its research related to creating its own physical casino, tentatively scheduled for 2008. Unlike other studies, MonkeyBet knows which customers actually gamble. The problem with other studies to date is that many people inflate their own gambling experience. By using it’s own customer database, the figures gathered are assured to be accurate.


Key findings from the study included:


Gamblers have been much more likely to try a new game online, as opposed to at the casino. 75% of respondents said they have played a game online first, before playing it at casino, if ever. Reasons given were less intimidation regarding making mistakes at the table, lower minimum bets online, online instructions, and ease of play.


58% of respondents said playing a Togel game online has led them to try the same game at a casino

49% of sports gamblers stated that gambling online allowed them to explore more complicated parlay and teaser bets, which they now play when visiting a destination casino 63% of respondents said that their visits to vacation destination casinos in locations like Las Vegas and Atlantic City have increased over the past 2 years by at least one trip during this time period

92% of respondents who have played poker in a vacation destination casino said they would never have done so had they not played online first


Jeff Fuller, SVP of Business Development for stated, “I am confident that our studies show that online gaming is only increasing the popularity of gambling at vacation destination casinos. I had noticed that MonkeyBet’s revenue related to more niche games, such as Pai Gow Poker, Caribbean Poker and Baccarat, far exceeded the revenue percentage I witnessed during my 15 years working as a pit boss on the Strip. Online allows players to experiment, and our number show that this is positively affecting the destination casinos as well.”




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